The The The Loooooonnnnngggg fllight home. When it seemed overwhelming long, we had 5 more hours to go. Watched two movies, played hearts, saw everybody on the plane as they came back for the facilities, some several times. When we get off in Chi’d town, I’m going to verbally give out the largest bladder award and the TB award to. . Then there’s going to be an award for the men who didn’t have enough sense to no drink several beers on an eleven hour flight. They made several trips and progressively got more unsteady as the hours went by. Everyone had to have a snack or a drink, guess where they were served? In the back, where our seats were.
But…the good news is that we’re on the ground in Chicago. The remaining news is that we don’t leave until 8 PM and arrive at 10. We want to be good and tired anyway, because we plan to sleep well tonight wherever we sleep. The last posted pics were taken in Rome, a bad one of the Pantheon and the last two taken from our apt window looking down on the street morning and night